Monday, December 22

Hanukkah Snow Storm!

Hanukkah Snow Storm

What an amazing storm... Portland has seen record snow fall - the most in 40 years! Our original Hanukkah guests were not able to make it over to our house, but our neighbors and nearby friends were happy to fill in!

Monday, December 8


I discovered Kelly Corrigan last year during my breast cancer scare. If I have learned anything over the past year, it has been to value my friendships and relationships. We are all stretched and pressed for time and too often we let days, weeks, months and years go by without keeping in touch. Let's all try to slow down in 2009 and make phone calls, write letters, have coffee, whatever it takes to keep in touch and support each other.

Author Kelly Corrigan wrote this moving essay about women's remarkable capacity to suport each other, to laugh together, and to endure. The full text is available in the paperback edition of her memoir, The Middle Place, on sale December 23, 2008.