Age: 6
Height: 49"
Weight: 66 lbs
Loose Teeth: YES... 2 (Top Center)
Lost Teeth: YES... 2 (Bottom Center)
What do you want to be when you grow up?
"worker/astronaut... my workshop will be in space or under the sea"
Best Friend: Peter and Jack
Girl Friend: Nadia and Zia
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Licorice and Vanilla
Favorite Sport: Running and Biking
Favorite Team: The Ducks
Favorite Holiday: Christmas and Halloween
Favorite Instrument: no
Favorite Movie or TV show: Dr. Seuss
Favorite Dinner: Ravioli with Pesto and Pizza
Where would you like to go on your next vacation? Italy
You did a lot of fun things this summer and had many great accomplishments. What are you most proud of? "Going down the slide at Sellwood Pool and learning to swim under water"