What a morning!
Henry and I ventured to Oaks Park for the preschool skate party.
What a blast! Henry was a great skater. I even ventured out on skates! We participated in a free 15-minute lesson, followed by cookies and milk in the snack bar.
The excitement really got started when we went over to the ICEBREAKER store in the Pearl for their Earth Day promotion. I learned that a seamstress would be there at 11 AM to transform our old t-shirts into a reusable shopping bag on the spot (free). Not only is this service FREE, they also give you a coupon for $10 off a purchase. We brought Henry's Summer Reading shirt. FOX had a camera crew there and they loved getting footage of Henry and the seamstress working on his tiny t-shirt. We may be on TV tonight! Henry even got a free shirt for being so cooperative with the media... Woo-Hoo!!
It is not too late for you... The seamstress will also be in the store from 1-3 PM on Saturday, April 19 & 26.
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