Yesterday morning was the first day. I had very ambitious aspirations
1. Work-out
2. Take a shower (and wash my hair)
3. Eat breakfast
4. Buy a baby gift
5. Buy little gifts to mail to my son while I am in Mexico next week
6. Go to Trader Joe's for dishwasher soap and paper towels (we were out of both)
7. Go to Justa Pasta to stock up on some sauces while I am away.
8. Go to New Seasons (buy coffee - we were down to a 1-day supply)
9. Buy some groceries and house supplies
10. Go to the bank to get a new check book register (we are writing on every possible surface)
11. Put gas in the car
12. Go to the cleaners
13. Pack for my trip to Mexico
I made it half way through the list. In any case, it was absolutely luscious and decant to have this three hours to myself. I managed to do a short run around the waterfront. I love my ipod when it works right. I created this great imix for my runs. You can check it out by clicking here.

I hope you will post your favorite work-out music in the comments sections.
The time flew by way too fast, but that is okay... I was happy to have it!
Tomorrow is another packed day. I will finish the errands that I didn't get to on Monday and get ready for my trip. I leave at 5:30 AM on Saturday. I hope to blog from San Miguel. Stay tuned...