So my husband and I arrange to borrow our neighbors truck. We drove down to Sherwood and picked up the bed. It took several (frustrating) hours to build, but all-and-all things went smoothly. Our son was thrilled and excited about his new "big boy" bed. We did the usual bedtime routine... bath at 7 pm, books at 7:30ish and bed by 8. It seemed too good to be true. Several hours later, as we were all sound asleep, I was abruptly woken by a loud THUD followed by the most INTENSE and Terrifying CRYING. I rushed through the darkness and found my son on the floor. Fortunately he was fine -- Just very scared and upset. We really couldn't understand or figure out exactly how he fell out. As you can see from the photo. The bed is surrounded by a sturdy rail, except for the ladder opening. Once my son calmed down he wanted to go back to bed. We used a pillow and bungee cords to block the ladder opening.

Then things got really exciting a month or so later when our son got a stomach bug and threw up repeatedly all over this bed. I can tell you that changing this bed is a NIGHTMARE and cleaning vomit from between the wooden spindles is a tedious task.
In addition to all of this, we realized that this bed looked ridiculous in Henry's tiny bedroom. I decided that we needed to switch Henry's bedroom and the guest room. My sweet husband had the patience to take the bed apart and reassemble it in the (former) guest room. This DID turn out to be a good decision. Both rooms look much better, but the bed situation has not improved.
My son has thrown up several times since and has also fallen out of the bed two more times. After the third fall this summer, I posted the bed on Craig's List. I was done and wanted the bed out of my life. I started to shop for a new bed (one only several inches from the ground and made of waterproof material!). The timing was awful as (believe it or not) two other "tent slide beds" were also listed. After several luke-warm inquiries, I decided to try to stick it out and keep the bed. Henry told me that he liked the bed and didn't want me to sell it. I also realized that I did not want to destroy his bedroom wall (For his birthday I purchased the wall-mounted book rack and reading light). They would both have to be relocated if we replaced this bed with normal bed. So I pulled my Craig's list ad and you might think that things improved for a while, but they didn't.
To be continued THE BED: PART III
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