At first glance, you may think, "wow... what a lucky kid". This is probably true, but this bed has not been lucky for the kid's mom.
It started great... I fell in love with this bed about a year ago. My son was 2 1/2 and we were looking for a bed to replace his crib. I initially saw this bed at a children's boutique in Eugene. It was close to $600 and out of the question for our budget (yes... even then I had a conscience about spending too much). I eagerly searched online and found the bed for as low as $450 with free shipping. If I sold the crib for $150, we would come close to a figure that I would consider.
Then the so-called "miracle" happened. On a whim, I typed in "loft bed slide" on Craig's List. Sure enough I got a hit. A family in Sherwood had the exact bed posted for $150. Their ad had been posted only an hour earlier. They were moving to Bend and didn't want to deal with moving the bed. I quickly arranged to go to work late the next morning and travelled down to Sherwood with my $150 in hand. The bed was in perfect condition, except for the tent. It was pink and it was torn. I was told that I could buy a replacement tent at America the Beautiful Dreamer for $50. I paid for the bed and made arrangements to pick it up that weekend. I rushed to ATBD and purchased the red tent. I was thrilled and felt rather proud of my savvy purchase.
To be continued
to be continued WHEN? i totally remember how excited you were about the bed! sarah
I am very impressed with your frugality...and how cool to find the EXACT bed you wanted. Our choices over here are VERY limited, unfortunately. If we buy a bed off base, the mattresses are different sizes than in the states, so we will forever have trouble finding sheets. :(
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